At this point, I know of 9 goats in our small town. Five of them future milkers and four lucky lucky boys who are pets.
What I hope to do here is share some of what and how we are learning. I have a long way to go, and I hope to have some more experienced folks chime in with guest posts. I'll be linking to resources, blogs and maybe even doing a few book reviews.
(photo courtesy of Meghan Keith-Hynes)
In the foreground is Dragon Hill Farm Zinnia. She is the naughty goat. In the background is Dragon Hill Farm Ellamenope (Ella for short). She is the supermodel goat. Though you wouldn't know it from this picture - she isn't even smiling.
This is one of their favorite activities... at least for this time of the year. They are hunting mulberries. For the most part, they tend to not eat things directly off the ground, preferring to browse rather than graze. They make an exception for the mulberries....